Sunday 21 October 2012

Our Own Prince

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

“For the hereditary prince has less cause and less necessity to offend; hence it happens that he will be more loved; and unless extraordinary vices cause him to be hated, it is reasonable to expect that his subjects will be naturally well disposed towards him; and in the antiquity and duration of his rule the memories and motives that make for change are lost…”
Niccolò Machiavelli? 

Of course it is; Il Principe, chapter-II, De principatibushereditariis. (The Prince, of hereditary princedoms).

Why digging the Old Hat out of his graves? 

Because nothing explains so perfectly the current Indian mentality about our most eligible bachelor, Prince Rahul Gandhi. Everybody is wanting to him to see him as the Prime Minister of India. List doesn’t end at Digvijay the old-faithful…..Ashok Gehlot, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, wants Rahul to be a PM. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna wants Rahul Gandhi as a PM in 2014. Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has openly expressed his desire to induct Rahul into the Cabinet. Even media houses  doing yearly or half yearly roundups of the public mood in ‘favour’ of Rahul Gandhi occupying the top chair of India.Everybody is wanting to him to see him as the Prime Minister of India. Let us see, what are the political peaks our Prince has achieved…

Thursday 18 October 2012

Welcome to The Analyst!

Hello Dear,

 We are going to start our venture of providing "passionate, logical, cutting edge, fearless, explicit, pin-pointed, and offbeat analysis" with this post! Yes, we are going to open our blog - The Analyst. This is our first post. Hope, this will be a start of an epic journey!

And we are hereby publishing our logo. Just give it a look  and please don't forget to give your feedback!
The Analyst